Saturday, 27 April 2013

They say shitting is a call of nature, does it mean farting is a missed call: how and what gains will Malawi government bring by criminalization basic bodily functions like farting

You may take it for granted ... just making those missed calls (FARTING IN PUBLIC) in the UK or Ireland is not life threatening apart from the shame from the staring you get from those around you, but we must pray for our brothers and sister living in those countries where Governments have outlaw basic bodily functions like farting... or those living in a countries where farting (making those missed calls or bip's) in public is considered potentially more dangerous actions like carrying weapons of mass destruction ... In Malawi, the Government thinks that outlawing fart in public will “ mould responsible and disciple citizens.” eradicate poverty, put all children in schools, end famine and starvation, end corruption, stop rapist and child abuse... what the government doesn't know is that the people are farting just because they are fed up of their incompetence and their reckless governance of public good that is creating more poverty than any good... :)

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Visa refusal entry for being too sexy & too handsome for Saudi Arabia

Imagine being refused entry in any county in the world because you are too sexy & too handsome: Misandry, HANDSOME MAN HATING has achieved apotheosis as a social fact in deportation for being handsome in Saudi Arabia! What comes to your mind when you are told that restrictions in Saudi Arabia are not only on women? No rights to be handsome and no freedom to be who you were born or the way your mom genetically conceived you? Have you already thought about Saudi Arabia taste for male beauty or physical appearance? It might sound a bit odd to think that one can be deported from Saudi Arabia just because its handsome. Does Saudi religious police force (the Mutaween) really think that Saudi women with jump and rape theses fellas just because they are handsome? Or is a step further in cracking down Saudi women human and civil rights? Honestly I don’t get who are they (Saudi religious police force, the Mutaween) intending to protect here than insulting the moral values of their own women. In a country where women have to stay covered up at all times (wearing abaya, long black dress) and are banned from speaking and interacting with men who aren't their relatives, including any gender mix or sexual contact with a man outside marriage can be under the Sharia Law that regulates the private and public lives of the whole population living in the kingdom (Sharia Law deals with aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, family, sexuality, hygiene and social issues) is punishable by whipping and sometimes even death, will really women commit that stupidity of talking or meeting those handsome fellas?

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

the justice is blind for the rich because poverty has face

we live in a political world governed by morality from the all sides of aisles but two questions that lead into a third: 1. How long is long enough to mourn the loss of someone you truly loved as mate or spouse (not talking whether Pistorius killed or murdered his ex) before your moving on is considered weird or just love that much? 2. who does the concept of blind Lady Justice (the moral force in the judicial systems balancing the scales of truth and fairness and presumption of innocence) serve when shoplifters are denied bail and killing someone is granted? 3. Justice is supposed to be blind because it is not supposed to have any personal bias, but is the actual concept of this blindness political correct nowadays? isn't this prejudice against some of us who are visually impaired when the rich can get away with murder, or after all celebrities, politicians, rich people don't have to abide by the same laws as us inferior creatures? Are all those court rooms full of blind Lady Justice logos, images and statues complaint with UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)?

Friday, 5 April 2013

a vida é simplemente um desentimento obvio de falsidades iguais

Muitos de nós gostamos de descrever muita coisa na vida como “simples”, mas quando nos perguntam quão simples são essas coisas, como respostas lançamos um exército de provérbios, altruísmos e normas jurídicas em latim, somente para tentar demostrar a simplicidade do que dizemos… Outros de nós gostamos de dizer que algo acontece por razões “óbvias”, mas ao se nos perguntarem sobre esse algo óbvio, la vamos nós trazendo montanhas de novas coisas obscuras de sítios que nem nós sabemos bem de onde, e juntamos raciocínios longos de deduções para mostrar o disséramos ser “óbvio”… Outros de nós ainda, gostamos de descrever tudo que é diferente na vida e não bem entendemos, como algo “falso”, mas se nos questionarem sobre onde esta essa falsidade, gastamos todo o dia do perguntador nas nossas divagações e lengalengas, numa discussão com os nossos próprios botões, para no fim a pessoa perceber que o que queríamos dizer é que a vida é feita de imagens e semelhanças “imperfeitas”… Moral da história: nem tudo na vida é preto no branco… e como a vida não é um resumo do simples, óbvio ou falso… nem sempre as pessoas querem viver aquilo que exteriorizam ou dizer aquilo que realmente verbalizam…

It’s insane when women in decision making lack phylogeny: criminalisation of womanhood - Misogyny in Zambia

When it comes to Gender Based Violence, Some Women in office are as useless as they should never be appointed for that role, and the only thing they know and do is degrade even further women rights and freedom. Unless I am convinced differently, to me this case where a female Supreme Court Judge urges police officers to arrest indecently dressed women, as a way to combat violence against women? It’s a clear demonstration of an office appointment by the influential Zambian rapist supporters lobby group. Why are Judge Royda Kaoma and Kitwe Nkana East police chief inspector Anne Mazila promoting this hatred or dislike of women or girls? It’s sad to see a woman so infected with misogyny and its sad that this Zambian daughter, mother, sister, auntie now turned into chief justice is infected with discrimination against women she inflicting further pain... since when clothing define morals or dressing is an invitation to be raped... sad that backward persons like this would be a woman and educated to hosts a prestigious position like her..., would she (Judge Royda Kaoma) be happy is the other women issued a directive to arrest anyone with a bigger belly like her husband on presumption that they are thief? Misogyny of Judge Royda Kaoma is manifested by her judgement about the source of gender based violence in Zambia sprouting from dressing code for her to push for further ways of women discrimination through police arrest. What does Judge Royda Kaoma think that the police will do to the women and girls they arrest? Buy them appropriate cloths? Her orders will push further women discrimination, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women in Zambia, nothing else. Her orders are a blank cheque for rapists and criminalisation of women by their dressing only, dress does not define moral … Judge Royda Kaoma misogyny has pushed back in history women empowerment achieved in recent history of Zambia to features that characterised ancient Zambia as well as various religions oppression of women. Judge Royda Kaoma helped Zambia in achieving a misogynistic country in southern Africa… it’s hard to understand why Judge Royda Kaoma as a woman do not suffer from misandry, the hatred or dislike of men, instead of lacking the love or fondness of women. Is Judge Royda Kaoma the kind of gal who thinks she only feels truly comfortable in the company of men? Does Judge Royda Kaoma and to certain extend Kitwe Nkana East police chief inspector Anne Mazila feel that other Zambian women, just because of dressing code, are catty, mean spirited, competitive or air-headed even, and that they have nothing in common with any of them? Whether they (Judge Royda Kaoma and to certain extend police chief inspector Anne Mazila ) have feelings of apathy, disdain or truly despise other women, hating their fellow gender is simply no good - it'll cut off many opportunities for good, understanding friendships and for healthy social policy changes for women in general. If the Judge Royda Kaoma and police chief inspector Anne Mazila of this world investing a lot of time to avoid gal pals, making do with men alone as friends and shooting down the foibles of their own gender, criminalising women just for being women, then it's time to force them out of the office… force them to take a break and readjust…. Instead of putting all their energy into shooting daggers at other women because of their dressing, Judge Royda Kaoma and police chief inspector Anne Mazila of this world should learn to accept other women will open up new insights for them and maybe they would even contribute in making or bringing about change in the lives of few women.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Quitting is leading too

The list of presidents democratically elected then their quest to power grow stronger to the point of changing their constitution jurisdiction to self-declare themselves life president is growing. Whether disguised in a kind of democracy where they always win every consecutive election, swap between the position in roles of president to premier minister but keeping the same overarching powers in either roles, the paradox is some human beings who are not elected for lifetime mandates, have such an obsession to die in the office that is hard to comprehend. But they are good signs that democracy will never die, just because a bunch of guys are greedy and not able to lead in few countries. There are there encouraging examples whereby other human beings, while elected for lifetime position or roles such as Pope Benedict XVI shock the world with resignation just last month, that although is constitutional acceptable and expected in Vatican jurisdictions to die in office, He chosen not to. The fact that it was never practiced for more than six centuries, didn’t stop Benedict XVI in implementing it, and in doing so, as reformist as it looks likes, with his move, He did not introduce a new reform at all. There are also encouraging reforms in China, where there is change and renovation in the leadership of the country. As communist as we may label it, it’s better than Russian, Venezuela Equatorial Guinea or Angola’s of this world, with constitutional engineered disguised in fraudulent election that keeps the same guy wining all the time. Chine is better in reforms than many disguised democracies that populate our planet since the end of cold war. Some of the current leaders are so fake, that they are not even capable to promise their country and their people a younger, better person for the presidential job than getting jealous and greedy and vow to stay put until they die. They fail to understand that presidents role in a country is not marriage that is expect that one will only part company with death, but even there divorce exists for when things go wrong… it seems like for some presidents they just came back out of the blue when they realised they would regretted the decision of stepping down before even they are elected… they are not able to propose that limiting the age of serving in the office… some of the leaders they cannot face the reality that they, as human being, they would not win the day everyday… they don’t have the great humility to accepted that they are human, not superman… they fail to understand that things like, if Chavez has accepted his cancer with great humility, maybe would be alive now and beaten cancer… instead he sulked in his inglorious fight against US… sulking is not lesson in leadership… it leaves no legacy… why pick a David and Goliath fight when you cant win? Most of person who reach the presidency of a country they fool themselves to think they are any good leaders by the longest they stick to power. Knowing how to abandon a failed idea, task or relationship is often the most difficult kind of decision a leader has to make, but that’s what leaders are made of. In many ways, the Mandela's greatest legacy as President of South Africa is the way he chose to leave it…. When Mandela was elected in 1994, and the ANC since then is ruling with two third majority, Mandela probably could have pressed and engineered a constitution that would made him life President — and I don’t think that there are voices in the ANC that disagree with this view, not because there are no guys with guts to challenge Mandela’s eldership, but because there are many who feel that in return for his years in prison, that was the least South Africa could do. In the history of Africa, and other corners of the globe, there have been only a handful of democratically elected leaders who willingly stood down from office. Mandela was determined to set a precedent for all who followed him — not only in South Africa but across the rest of the world... Mandela would be today the anti-Mugabe, anti Gaddafi, anti-Chavez, anti-Putin, anti-Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, anti-Mubarak, anti-Bashar al-Assad, just as he was anti-Mobuto, anti-Fidel, anti-Kim Il Sung, anti-Bokhassa, anti- Milton Obote, anti-Hastings Kamuzu Banda, anti-Saddam Hussein, anti-Pervez Musharraf, anti-Kim Jong-il, and anti-Francisco Franco, to mention few, even if he had shaken hands with them. Some of these men gave birth to their countries and chose to hold their countries hostage by ruling their countries solely by decree, via an Enabling Act or similar laws passed by a legislature allowing them to do so by military force. These men appointed themselves an absolute rulers of a sovereign state, usually by a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics, especially the violent overthrow or alteration of then existing government by a small group they headed, without hereditary ascension. These men chosen to govern outside the otherwise accepted rule of law. Some of them commonly (but not necessarily) gaining power through fraud, a coup d'état, resorting to either, fraud, a coup d'état again, to continue in power, developing therefore a cult of personality. These men, once in power, became autocratic, oppressive, despotic and tyrannical… against their own people. Some of them like Mubarak and Pervez Musharraf, became known in the west as "benevolent dictators" because they were viewed as beneficial and their leadership seen as a "necessary evil" both in the global fight against terrorism as well as in the containment of Israeli-Arab conflict... Mubarak did not survive the Arab spring…Today we don’t use much the term 'dictator' but, to developed largely in response to instances of autocratic rule in republics, in some cases it’s very hard to distinguish the new and old regimes… is there really difference between Mubarak and Morsi? If "benevolent dictators" are useful for some cases for the national interests of some imperialists nations, I It's not strange for why the Ugandan Present, Yoweri Museveni continue to be darling doll for the US even with his poor track records of human rights and his grip to power through any means he deem necessary … so is Kigali Rwandan President Paul Kagame that is thought to be changing the constitution now that will allow him run for a third term and stay in office beyond 2017… while Kagame won international praise for Rwanda’s economic development since the 1994 genocide that tore the east African country apart along its ethnic seams, there is no doubt that he is more than authoritarian… utilising the Russian way of killings all his political oponents and his perceived enemies… It is hard now to realise that our hopes invested in what was expected to be "the new generation" of African leaders… are not dashed completely... Men like Mugabe, Yoweri Museveni, Meles Zenawi (late president of Ethiopia, 2012) Isaias Afewerki in Eritrea, Kabila and Paul Kagame in Rwanda were seen as ushering in a harmonious era of democracy, clean government, and peaceful inter-state relations in black Africa where the gathered enthusiastic support from the West… now these western government realise that these men only aliened their governments as reliably pro-western for their own political survival… with china in chase play, it become more and more difficulty to handle them, when they crack down basic human rights issues as gay rights, as if this could represent anything against the national interest of those countries… For some its nearly two decades of disappointment leaderships … and the more they still put in power more will disappoint mightily... there is no exception of leaders who are in power more than a decade who did not become dictators… the more years in power the more sensitive and detached they become… any criticism of their government's tight control domestically and of their foreign policies are being muted, and there has been, by world standards, a very generous flow of aid for these countries… What is not understandably is why continue supporting life presidents such as Musseveni, Kagame who held absolute power during their national emergencies yes, but never restored the rule of law soon thereafter? Why are these leaders failing to understand that "their job was to set the course of their countries, and not to steer the ship?" why are they failing to acknowledge that leaders lead as much by what they choose not to do as what they do? Ultimately, the response can be maybe in immaturity of these leaders if one compare most them still emotional, headstrong, easily stung to the balanced and disciplined maturity of Mandela who emerged after 27 years in prison… its pity that most of thses leaders they will reach their maturity when they are removed from power by force… and it will then be too late for them to realise that there is nothing so rare — or so valuable — as a mature man… The best gloss on these failed leaders are their domestic policies where they intent on establishing a flourishing economy and nurturing social changes before bringing about a wider political opening… The best gloss on their foreign policies are that they reckons the country must remain a player in the global and regional affairs and developments that could threaten their stability at home (like Chavez fighting US, something that strained his energy and brought his fall or Kagame in DRCongo, Musseveni in Sudan or even Morsi in Syria). The worst gloss on both is that the formula of "bread today, freedom tomorrow" is one that has led many previous fake leaders, and in many countries, to ruin. All presidents described above are impressive men who almost certainly knows that they should slacken their too-tight grip… before it’s too late… before they reach a no return point, where they left are enemies who want to kill them… before they are left with no other safe option than forced to die in office… The problem of Mugabes, Kagame, Mubarakis, Assads of these world is the limitation of human imagination on knowing something and doing it are two different things…. In acknowledging that quitting is also leadership…

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Papa Francisco: O nascimento de uma Nova liderança

Quebrando com a tradição da igreja católica, o Papa Francis lavou e beijou os pés de uma jovem muçulmana mulher que se encontra a cumprir pena na prisão Casal del Marmo em Roma, marcando uma viragem sem precedentes na tradição Papal na Quinta-feira Santa. Se bem que é tradição Papal de há seculos, lavar e beijar os pés dos fiéis em conflito com a lei (a cumprirem penas em prisões) no dia que antecede a sexta-feira Santa, nunca antes do Papa Francisco nesta Pascoa, um Sumo Pontífice tivesse lavado e beijado os pés de uma mulher antes, e muito menos tivesse lavado e beijado os pés que não fossem crentes católicos. Ao lavar e beijar os pés da jovem muçulmana Sérvia numa prisão de Roma, marcou enormemente a quebra das tradições e mostrou a vontade do novo Papa Francis de implementar reformas na igreja, e não há nenhum melhor modo de mostrar o seu serviço para com os menos afortunados e pobres, no início do seu pontificado. Ao lavar e beijar os pés de 12 prisioneiros (12 apóstolos) com as idades de 14 a 21 anos, entre as quais 2 mulheres, não é só um ritual do Papa Francis, mas um sinal positivo da igreja e na vida dos crentes que esta por vir. Isto porque, como em qualquer lado, a Igreja católica tem a “ala dura” que provavelmente pode ter ficado irritada com a inclusão de mulheres neste ritual, e também inclusão de não católicos e logo muçulmanos, não só por casa da crença de que os 12 apóstolos eram todos homens, mas a guerra religiosa atual liderada pelo Irão, onde o fundamentalismo islâmico é cada vez mais radical e intolerante. Mas desenganem-se os que pensam que o Papa Francisco é sol de pouca dura, pois seus correligionários já receberam o aviso de priorizarem aos pobres. No novo Evangelho do Papa Francisco, propaga-se uma igreja que chegue onde estão os pobres, onde se derrama o sangue, onde se faz vista grossa das injustiças do mundo, onde estão os milhões que sofrem as injustiças e crueldades das lideranças terrenas. Estes repetidos apelos do Papa Francisco, soam que nem uma aclamação da necessidade do cumprimento dos Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento do Milénio e eliminação da Pobreza. Soam como se o Vaticano tivesse assinado esses objetivos e fosse lutar para com que os mais de 1 bilião de católicos e todos os 7 biliões de seres humanos que habitam no planeta terra, pudessem sair da pobreza e deixassem de sofrer quaisquer tipo de violência e descriminação, incluindo violência contra a mulher. Isto também mostra que o Papa Francisco não esta só, e aceitando que ele não se transformou agora que foi eleito Papa, mas que os dois terços que o elegeram, sabiam o que ele era, quer isso dizer que na igreja, há muitos querem ver reformas e poderemos não ter até um Concílio Vaticano III, mas certamente teremos "um momento de reflexão global da Igreja sobre si mesma e sobre as suas relações com o mundo", como classificou o Papa João Paulo II em 1995. Como agora, urge a igreja fazer uma "reflexão global" para que a Igreja seja cada vez mais "a fidelidade ao seu Deus. Mas este impulso, que passou pela eleição de uma Papa não Europeu, vem também das grandes mudanças do mundo contemporâneo, que, como “sinais dos tempos”, exigiam ser decifradas à luz da Palavra de Deus. O papa Francisco não esta a convocar um Concílio Vaticano III, através da bula papal (Humanae salutis), como fez o Papa João XXIII, mesmo porque o tempo é muito curto para a realização de outro Concilio Vaticano, mais a mais porque a interpretação das 4 constituições, 9 decretos e 3 declarações elaboradas e aprovadas pelo Concílio não foi concluída e nem totalmente entendida. O Papa Francisco não esta convocar 2000 Prelados de todo o mundo para discutiram e regulamentaram vários temas da Igreja Católica. Ele esta a convocar a humanidade inteira a repensar a si própria, os problemas que os humanos se causam a si próprios, que os levam a autodestruição. É um debate onde todos devem participar a procura da solução, visto que muitos que se intitulam expertos de soluções contra a pobreza e participaram na discussão dos Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento do Milénio e eliminação da Pobreza até 2015, agora, a menos de 2 anos para a data limite que o conhecimento os indicava, agora surgem com adiamentos, para mais 15 anos da continuação das imagens de terror, onde cada vez mais crianças, não conseguem ir a escola, cada vez mais mulheres são violadas somente por serem mulheres, cada vez mais [pessoas passam e morrem a fome quando toneladas de alimentos são jogados ao mar, só para não baixarem os preços dos alimentos, cada vez mais o homem busca subterfúgios para se auto aniquilar por interesses inconfessáveis… O Papa Francisco tem repetidamente pregado nas suas missas na Basílica de São Pedro, que não é através das “rezas, meditações, contemplações, autoanálise ou introspeção constante que encontramos o Senhor nosso Deus”, mas sim indo ao seu encontro mudando a face da Pobreza, por outras palavras, eliminando a pobreza da face da terra, pois ela mostra o sofrimento de Deus, que nos causamos a sua imagem e semelhança.