Saturday, 27 April 2013

They say shitting is a call of nature, does it mean farting is a missed call: how and what gains will Malawi government bring by criminalization basic bodily functions like farting

You may take it for granted ... just making those missed calls (FARTING IN PUBLIC) in the UK or Ireland is not life threatening apart from the shame from the staring you get from those around you, but we must pray for our brothers and sister living in those countries where Governments have outlaw basic bodily functions like farting... or those living in a countries where farting (making those missed calls or bip's) in public is considered potentially more dangerous actions like carrying weapons of mass destruction ... In Malawi, the Government thinks that outlawing fart in public will “ mould responsible and disciple citizens.” eradicate poverty, put all children in schools, end famine and starvation, end corruption, stop rapist and child abuse... what the government doesn't know is that the people are farting just because they are fed up of their incompetence and their reckless governance of public good that is creating more poverty than any good... :)

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