Tuesday, 16 April 2013

the justice is blind for the rich because poverty has face

we live in a political world governed by morality from the all sides of aisles but two questions that lead into a third: 1. How long is long enough to mourn the loss of someone you truly loved as mate or spouse (not talking whether Pistorius killed or murdered his ex) before your moving on is considered weird or just love that much? 2. who does the concept of blind Lady Justice (the moral force in the judicial systems balancing the scales of truth and fairness and presumption of innocence) serve when shoplifters are denied bail and killing someone is granted? 3. Justice is supposed to be blind because it is not supposed to have any personal bias, but is the actual concept of this blindness political correct nowadays? isn't this prejudice against some of us who are visually impaired when the rich can get away with murder, or after all celebrities, politicians, rich people don't have to abide by the same laws as us inferior creatures? Are all those court rooms full of blind Lady Justice logos, images and statues complaint with UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)?

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